Welcome to
Plums in the Icebox. This is the place for my World Literature students at
Auburn University to come, find some good links and pick up some neat-o writing assignments.
I titled this blog
Plums in Icebox after William Carlos Williams' poem, "This is Just to Say". I'm a big fan of Williams and feel that he understood what it means to be human, what it means to own up to a mistake, and to savor the sweet plums in life. Behold:
This is Just to Say
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
And with that, I'll sign off and remind my Spring 2008 World Lit II students that we'll be meeting in Haley 3318, Wednesday, at 9:00 a.m.
Below is a copy of the class syllabus.
Course Information: ENGL 2210 009, MWF 9:00-9:50 am
Instructor: Chantel Acevedo
Office: 9078 Haley Center
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9-12
Email: chantel.acevedo@auburn.edu
English 2210: World Literature II
Welcome to World Literature II. This course is a study of representative works of world literature from the seventeenth century to the present. The course emphasizes the study and consideration of the literary, cultural, and human significance of selected great works of the Western and non-Western literary traditions, including women's, minority, and ethnic literature from around the world. An important goal of the class is to promote an understanding of the works in their cultural/historical contexts and of the enduring human values that unite the different literary traditions. The course's pedagogy gives special attention to critical thinking and writing within a framework of cultural diversity as well as comparative and interdisciplinary analysis.
Students will demonstrate their understanding of this material by completing various in-class and out-of-class assignments responding to lecture, discussion, collaborative work, and other activities. The preferred method of instruction will be a question and answer format based on the Socratic Method. The goal of this method is to engage you in critical thinking, making you responsible for the thinking you do.
While you will be doing a great deal of reading in this course, you will also develop your ability to write well-supported interpretations of literary texts.
Required Text: The Bedford Anthology of World Literature (Books 4, 5, & 6)
Essays: Two major essays will be written for this course. The essays will ask you to interpret and analyze some of the texts we will be reading. These are not research essays! The thinking and analysis of each essay should be uniquely yours. In terms of format, your essays must be typed and double-spaced, with one-inch margins all around. They should be 4-6 pages in length. Please center your titles on the first page, just above your text. Number all subsequent pages. Your paper should be formatted in MLA style. Essays are worth 25% each.
Quizzes: There will be daily reading quizzes, of five questions each, given at the beginning of each class. Oftentimes, the first question will be given to you beforehand to be answered in depth (50-100) words. Quizzes will be worth 10% of your overall grade. Quizzes missed due to an excused absence will not be counted toward your average. Quizzes missed due to an unexcused absence cannot be made up and will count as a zero.
Socratic Seminars: We will hold several Socratic seminars in which student sit round-table fashion and discuss the texts. Students will be asked to develop thoughtful questions regarding the text and turn them in at the end of class. These should be typed at home. Seminar grades will depend on the quality of the questions and the level of participation. Socratic seminars are worth 10% of your final grade.
Midterm and Final Exam: A midterm and final exam will be administered in this course. The midterm is worth 10% and the final is worth 20%. The final exam is on: Wednesday, May 7th, 9:00-11:30 a.m.
Attendance: Because this course relies heavily on your participation, your attendance is crucial. I am aware that, from time to time, you might have to miss class. Please refer to your Student Guidelines for the University’s description of an excused absence. You are responsible for finding out about missed work and making it up in a timely fashion. I may ask for documentation to verify your excused absence. In terms of unexcused absences, any more than three may lead to you earning a grade of FA (failure due to absence) in this course. Work missed due to an unexcused absence may not be made up.
Tardiness: Students arriving five or more minutes after class has begun are considered late. Three or more instances of tardiness will constitute one unexcused absence.
Classroom etiquette: The classroom atmosphere should be one in which students feel both relaxed and safe. Be polite and respectful to your fellow students and to your instructor. Drinks and snacks are fine (except in the computer labs) as long as they don’t distract you or your classmates. All cellular phones should be silenced and kept out of sight. If you are expecting an emergency call, please let me know before class begins, and sit near an exit so you can handle the situation out of sight and with the least amount of distraction.
Plagiarism and/or cheating: Cheating and plagiarism are serious violations of the Student Academic Honesty Code (Title XII) and will be treated according to the procedures outlined in the Tiger Cub. Of particular importance for English students is the following section of the code, which prohibits:
The submission of themes, essays, term papers, tests, design projects, similar requirements or parts thereof that are not the work of the student submitting them. When direct quotations are used, they should be indicated, and when the ideas of another are incorporated into a paper, they must be appropriately acknowledged. Almost every student has heard the term "plagiarism." Nevertheless, there is a danger of failing to recognize either its full meaning or its seriousness. In starkest terms, plagiarism is stealing--using the words or ideas of another as if they were one's own. If, for example, another person's complete sentence, syntax, key words, or the specific or unique ideas and information are used, one must give that person credit through proper documentation or recognition, as through the use of footnotes.
It is also a violation of academic honesty to have others (roommates, family members, paid consultants) materially assist you in the actual writing of essays. It is acceptable practice to have a peer review your work and make suggestions for improvement; in such cases, you should always include a footnote or endnote acknowledging those contributions. However, if someone else composes or rewrites part of your essay and you do not formally indicate that this has occurred, it is cheating and a violation of academic honesty. It is also cheating yourself of the opportunity to learn by doing.
You are responsible for asking your instructor any questions you may have about honest use of sources or proper documentation.
Grading/grades: To pass this course, you must satisfactorily meet all requirements. Grades on your written work are meant to reflect the quality of your work. When figuring your overall grade, I will use the following breakdown:
Essays are worth 25% each. There will be two major essays in this course.
Quizzes are worth 10%
Socratic Seminars are worth 10%
Midterm is worth 10%
Final is worth 20%
The following scale will be used to evaluate your work:
A+ 100C+ 78F 59 and below
A 95C 75
A- 92C- 72
B+ 88D+ 68
B 85D 65
B- 82D- 62
Final grades will be calculated on the following scale:
A 90-100, B, 80-89, C 70-79, D 60-69, F 59 and below.
Late papers: All assignments must be handed in on time. Papers will be penalized one full letter grade per class day. Students with excused absences should see me concerning makeup work.
Re-envisions: You may revise (or re-envision) either essay if you’ve earned a B- or lower. I call in re-envisioning because you must do more than just fix typos or mechanical errors in your revision. When re-envisioning, you are reconsidering the shape of the essay, the argument you posed, and, in effect, overhauling the piece. To qualify for a re-envisioned grade, you must 1) conference with me in my office concerning your paper, and 2) attach a 500 word reflection to your essay, in which you describe your process of re-envisioning. What did you change? How did you approach composing differently? What makes your paper stronger now? There are firm due dates for re-envisions. Please note these on the syllabus.
Extra-credit essays: There will be two opportunities for extra-credit in this course. You may earn up to 10 points on each, which can be added to any one category of assessment in this class (essays, exams, etc.). It is a generous offer because the work is significant.
The first extra-credit essay asks you to read the short story “Bartleby the Scrivener” by Herman Melville (pp 851 in Book 5 of your text), view the film Office Space, and compare both works to Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground (in your text).
The second extra-credit essay asks you to read The Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and compare to Achebe’s Things Fall Apart (in your text). Adichie’s novel is NOT in our textbook. If you think you’d like to do this extra-credit essay, make EARLY arrangements to get a hold of the novel.
There are firm due dates for the extra-credit assignments, so please consult the syllabus.
Accomodations for students with disabilities: Students who need accommodations are asked to arrange a meeting with me during office hours the first week of class or as soon as possible if accommodations are needed immediately. If you have a conflict with my office hours, an alternate time can be arranged. Bring a copy of your Accomodations Memo and an Instructor Verification Form to the meeting. If you do not have an Accomodation Memo but need accommodations, make an appointment with The Program for Students with Disabilities, 1244 Haley Center, 844-2096.
Email: You are expected to check your Auburn email account daily for updates and are responsible for any information relayed via email. I will answer email as soon as possible, but keep in mind that I may not check my account late at night.
Blog: I’ll post assignments, cool links, and other information for this course at http://www.plumsintheicebox.blogspot.com
Nondiscrimination policy: AU has a policy of nondiscrimination and a grievance procedure for those who feel that they have been victims of discrimination. Complaints should be addressed to the Office of Affirmative Action, Suite 13 in the Quad Center, 844-4794.
(work due on the day listed)
W-January 9 Course Introduction
F-January 11 Oroonoko pp 94-117
M-January 14 Oroonoko pp 118-140
W-January 16 Candide pp 275-290
F-January 18 Candide pp 291-312
M-January 21 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday—No class
W-January 23 Candide pp 313-338
F-January 25 No class
M-January 28 “Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson” pp 483-498
W- January 30 24 “Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson” pp 498-516
F-February 1 The Love Suicides at Amijima pp 691-718
M-February 4 Socratic Seminar: What is LOVE (or Baby, don’t hurt me…)
W-February 6 Faust pp 29-58
F-February 8 Essay #1 due, Faust pp 58-78
M-February 11 Faust pp 79-107
W-February 13 Faust pp 107-137
F-February 15 Faust pp 138-162
M-February 18 Faust pp 162-178
W-February 20 The poetry of William Blake pp 208-235
F-February 22 Notes from Underground pp 468-490
M-February 25 Notes from Underground pp 490-540
W-February 27 The Death of Ivan Ilyich pp 623-639
F-February 29 The Death of Ivan Ilyich pp 639-662
M-March 3 The poetry of Emily Dickinson pp 911-918
W-March 5 First extra-credit essay due. Socratic Seminar: In what ways do these texts attempt to analyze the condition of the human psyche?
W-March 12 Re-envision of essay #1 due. The Fate of the Cockroach, pp 590-630
F-March 14 The Fate of the Cockroach, pp 630-647
March 17-21 Spring Break—No class (but be classy while on break )
M-March 24 The poetry of Federico Garcia Lorca, pp 573-586
W-March 26 Things Fall Apart pp 1023-1042
F-March 28 Things Fall Apart pp 1042-1065
M-March 31 Things Fall Apart pp 1065-1085
W-April 2 Things Fall Apart pp 1085-1099
F-April 4 Things Fall Apart pp 1099-1112
M-April 7 “Lullaby” pp. 1333-1339 , “A Wife’s Story” pp. 1316-1326, “Children of the Sea” pp. 1398-1409
W-April 9 Essay #2 due. Socratic Seminar: What role does art play in promoting equity and justice?
F-April 11 Film: TBA
M-April 14 Film: TBA
W-April 16 “The Garden of Forking Paths” pp 652-659 (wrap up last ten minutes of film)
F-April 18 “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” pp 928-932
M-April 21 “The Prisoner of Las Lomas” pp 938-949
W-April 23 Re-envision of Essay #2 due. “The Prisoner of Las Lomas” pp 950-966
M-April 28 LAST DAY OF CLASSES. Second extra credit essay due. Socratic Seminar: What is the future of World Literature?
Wednesday, May 7th, FINAL EXAM, 9:00-11:30